Peru Revealed: A Tour of Its Geographic Wonders

Grab your compass and maps, as we are going on an adventure to reveal the geographic treasures South America can offer. First up, is a country booming with culture, history and Llamas! This geographic wonder is the country of Peru.

Official Name: Republic of Peru
Capital : Lima
Population: ~32 million
Official Languages: Spanish and Quechua (indigenous language)
Money: Sol
Size:~ 500,000 sq.miles

Peru is the 3rd largest country in South America, behind Brazil and Argentina. Peru is located on the west coast of South America. It borders Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, and Bolivia. What makes Peru unique is the different geographical features (beaches, mountains, deserts and forests).

The majority of Peru’s landscape is covered with geologic features. This benefit allows people a chance to see different landscapes right in their backyard, for example citizens of Lima. Most of the population (11 million) live in the capital city, Lima. Lima is located on the coast near 2 major geological features, the Andes and coastal deserts. 

Did You Know? Peru is where the Inca Empire began in the 15th century. The Incas were a powerful empire that created several advancements in ancient art and technology. In fact, their citadel (protected little city) Machu Picchu is one of several wonders of the world. 

Image of the ancient Inca city – Machu Picchu

Sight-Seeing: 3 Geographical Features

Wonder #1: Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world. The Amazon covers more than 60% of Peru’s landscape. This area of Peru is home to about 12,000 different animal and plant species. 

Map of Peru Geographic Features. Provided by:

FUN FACT: Peru has the 2nd largest section of the Amazon, after Brazil. 

The Amazon is home to hundreds of indigenous tribes, who rely on this diverse landscape for survival. Each one of these tribes has their own language and culture. Some of the most well-known tribes are the Ashaninka and Matses. 

Wonder #2: Coastal Desert 

Sechura Desert, Peru - by A. Duarte CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED
Sechura Desert, Peru – by A. Duarte

12% of Peru’s landscape is coastal deserts, with the most famous being the Sechura. The Sechura ranges about 30-60 meters wide and ~2,500km long. 

Noteworthy Features in the Sechura Desert: Sechura River, Nazca Line and Pan American Highway 

Nazca Lines in the Sechura Desert, Peru
Image of the Nazca Lines. These are geoglyphs (like hieroglyphs), but are drawings deep in the soil. Credit: HeritageDaily

Did you know? High river levels and strong storms can cause coastal deserts to flood. The Sechura Desert deals with flooding during strong storm events, i.e typhoons and El Nino. 


Wonder #3: Andes Mountains 

Peru is home to the second highest mountain range in the world, the Andes. It is split into 3 sections – North,Central and South. In Peru it is known as the Central Andes or Peruvian Andes.The highest peak in the Peruvian Andes is the Huascarán (22,205ft.) 

 Several indigenous tribes live among the snow-capped peaks and diverse wildlife of the Andes. For years these tribes have called this biodiversity hotspot home and will continue to do so. It is also where the sacred city of Machu Picchu is located. 

FUN FACT: The Andes is home to about 1,000 species. With ⅔ of them being endemic to the area, i.e. mimic poison frogs, Vizcachas, etc.

Llamas and Alpacas and Vicunas. Oh My!

Image of Vicuna in Peru
Image of a Vicuna – the national animal of Peru

If you ever travel to Peru, prepare to see Llamas, Alpacas and Vicunas. 

These 3 species have been important to Peruvian culture since the Inca civilization. They are used for wool (the fabric used as money), food source, pack animals, and traveling. They are so important to the culture. That Peru’s national animal is actually the Vicunas. 

Remember, if you get too close they will spit as a warning. So don’t get to close!

Peru: Home to the World’s…  

Peru has a lot of interesting geographical feats and they keep on adding more. Here are 3 world feats to add to the long list of what makes Peru a cool country. 

  1. The Cerro Blanco (“White Mountain”) is located in the Nazca Valley (part of the Sechura) and is now the world’s highest sand dune at 6,800ft. From its peak you can see the entire Nazca Valley. 

Visitors can visit the top of this amazing dune by walking, then sand-boarding back to the bottom.

Be Careful, even the best hikers and sand-boarders say this is a challenge.

Image of Colca Canyon
  1. Cotahuasi and Colca Canyons are 2 of the deepest canyons in the world. Cotahuasi is 11,004ft. and formed due to the erosion of the Coropuna and Solimana mountain massifs. The Colca is 11,154ft. and formed due to the Colca river. Both of these canyons are important to the biodiversity of Peru. There is a high percentage, that you will see a animal you will only see in Peru. 
  2. Lake Titicaca is the world’s highest navigable lake at 12,500 above sea level. At about 3 million years old, it is 1 of 20 ancient lakes in the world. 


Image of Lake Titicaca in Peru
Image of Lake Titicaca in Peru

It is a beautiful and important lake, yet, there are some natural environmental issues with Lake Titicaca. The increase in the winter heat is causing the water level to decrease. This is dangerous as it affects tourism but most importantly indigenous communities’ livelihoods.

Peru in the Media

If you have seen the movie and/or television show, The Emperor’s New Groove, then you have seen a little of ancient Peru. 

This movie/ television show is set in the Inca civilization in the 15th century. The main character’s name is Kuzco (based on the actual Inca city, Cuzco), a selfish emperor of the Incas. The landscapes of the mountains and valleys are based off the Andes mountain range. And Machu Picchu’s ruined buildings were used as inspiration for the movies main village.

And don’t worry! Llamas are heavily present in the film like in the actual Andes Mountains. 

Scene from The Emperors New Groove
Scene from The Emperors New Groove featuring Llamas.

If you want to see a look at ancient Peru, here is the trailer for the film The Emperor’s New Groove. It is not a 100% accurate, however the Peruvian landscape is very close. Enjoy!

Vocabulary Builder

  1. Endemic – an animal and/or plant that is only found in a certain location
  2. Pack Animals – a way for people to transport heavy loads of material, i.e. oxen, mules, sheep
  3. Massifs – a large group of connecting mountains forming a portion of the mountain range, also called a mountain chain.
  4. Navigable – waters that are deep and wide enough for large ships to travel

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